The Golden Age of the 90s Kids

Everybody has their childhood memories, which cannot be erased by any means or will never disappear but will be stored forever somewhere around in their hard disk. The 90s kids have been blessed in many ways. They are the generation
January 25, 2022

Obedient Isolated Wife

I I fell in love recklessly with the man of my dreams. Polite as a knight he swept the floor beneath my feet. He dazzled everyone with his presence but paid attention only to my needs. The day he proposed My heart

Heat Climbs in

Smell of heat coming off the road It’s not a fire smell Just the heat from the sun Thongs sticky as the heat climbs into them Day lillies bloom Orchids open Merry golds flower Cuttings spread roots My skin red from

Token Brown

tell me about your whiteness I don't want to hear travels in Asia the study of reiki how you laboured with a doula the souvenirs of plunder mine it for me the caucasian in your veins apply this like a poultice onto

For Manipur

When truth wears the emperor’s new clothes, and nakedness becomes a parade, If civilization began with dressing, we are in retrograde. She is auctioned everyday to corporates, parts of her renamed, only given a parrot voice, You allow anybody to touch


You thought I would cry? My smile has the oppressed reprisal of generations that can burn ash I take tiny steps to the end of the world that you have ruled with your death traps Nothing escapes the gravity of

The Prince of El Pardo

  He rode into Madrid on a white horse, flanked by a military guard that ran the length of Calle de Toledo. Every Spaniard, whichever side they were on, had heard the promise spread by those dour women in their dull dresses

Ahalya’s Waiting

“Ahalya,you will live here for many thousands of years, eating wind, without any food, lying on ashes and generating inner heat. Invisible to all creatures, you will live in this hermitage. And when Ram, who is unassailable, comes to this terrible


‘It’s way past midnight’. “Who remains awake at this ‘happy hour’, signing a pact with the mind’s secret chambers?” “Neither a ghost, nor a she-demon, nor a witch, but a dark, sombre truth of a female body in her prime, screaming


Sighing softly I collapse on my favourite chair after a crazy long day. In and out, slowly, deeply let the muscles relax I tell myself. It is blessedly quiet the night silence fills the air. A hot cup of tea, a book

Scholastic Brothel

It was that golden hour one wild evening in the chaste spring When the sun melted in a pool of warm pink and down it sent a wanton gleam To brush against her soft cheeks and give her curls a fiery tinge


night is alive with stars watching moonflowers’ unfurling petals I sit among their shadows my feet trammels dust waiting for your return long ago moonbeams touched my face or was it you whispering, setting my blood roaring my head spinning.

Preserved in Amber

Fossilised resin crystals from forgotten forests encircle collar bones toffee-like & organic amber conjures a timeless world before flowers insects immortalised inside sweet sunlit orbs beyond history Now so-called amber notes lay the basis for modern perfumes product of our imagination

Infinite Blue Candies and Eyeballs

Panoptes:  Mother with her gilded champagne hair, seemingly infinite blue eyeballs, needed no cameras, not when she had a real time feed from her many plucked out eyes discreetly hidden in immaculate room top corners, in any book that had o’s  and

Drenched Thoughts -Birthing a Dawn

Drenched Thoughts, A Novel by Anita Nahal. (Authors Press, New Delhi, 2023) ISBN: 978935529637 Price: Rs 495 Pages: 214 This book had to be written. Every intelligent, professionally qualified, smart woman who goes through an abusive marriage owes it in a


The dried yellowed leaf, Disowned by the rigid tree, Still dream of the green, Of the roots and seed. Brown was all around, Or to put it right it was black, But the leaf still saw green, Inside out all dreamy green.

Bitter orange @ 2 am

The halfmoon cruelly glowers a chiascuro profile in the smist (cool air dulled by heavy smoke) that wafts upslope from the campfires of misguided tourists travelling to the 6th extinction while notifications ping phones across the sleepless valley.

Letter To My Daughter

I know     it is frightening        my darling          your body is seeping blood             like a sewer runnel               from the centre of you                  red like the trail of some wounded creature                     leading in streaks and smears                       straight back to the secret                           the

Ego Work

When I say a big ego I mean a male ego I mean my ego is a male and a big one at that He knocks us down with doubt and sarcasm pros and cons and taunts an image to maintain


I am a lover of imperfections Drawn to the rugged arches of  My backyard patio And the haphazard petunias  In the rough black window boxes. I do not crave  The neatly manicured lawn With the perfect robin Pecking at the perfect

Happy (?) Diwali- Photo Story

As soon as October arrives, the remarkable diversity of Indian culture can be seen through a plethora of festivals celebrated differently across the country.  Most of us are thrilled for this festive season to begin so that we may meet our

The Face

If you share the correct OTP, a face will be delivered to your doorstep. This face is a plateau — a cumulation of lakes darkened by screen time; miles of Instagram glide over beginnings of a body, body of a

The Colonial

Zareena and her childhood friend Sydney sat in a Mexican restaurant at a bar beneath dim lights, waiting for Sydney’s friend Katie to arrive. It would be Zareena’s first time meeting Katie. Sydney had told Zareena that Katie had recently broken up

My World

my world has three bedrooms two bathrooms and one kitchen but I know of things that happen in your world too I know the days when your boss scolds you when he threatens to fire you you come storming inside slamming the

After Love

Now that you have lost another version of you, walk out through the new moon in the spruces and lie down in the deep of the clearing. Listen: they are still here, the wild things, migrations moving on again from

Spring Musings

Bird love  As I write these pieces, Spring is not quite fully in the air, but close enough. It arrives later in my city, here in Canada. The freezing nights and warm days are turning the sidewalks and back alleys into skating

A Good Friday Beach Visit

A perfect seaside filter coffee leaves a caramel bitterness on the tongue Even in company, the crashing waves of the sea only remind of the disconsolate need for love. A passing fortune teller offers to read my palm. It is not

Kite Running Days

Kite running days An ambery summer Lay on harvested crops. Our salad days flapped like Dragonflies. We piled up pebbles under Shade of the giant Albizia. Tween us in loosen plaits And frocks with un-tied knots. Shrieks and squeals about the

The Mask

A soft whiff of air knocking at my window, table of good thoughts turned over. An effort to sew the wound of past, the mask fell off, eyes betraying heartache. Gloom blocking the view of silence, mind forgot to think


“The longing to touch…I feel gratitude when I touch someone  — as well as affection etc. The person has allowed me proof  that I have a body — and that there are bodies in the world.  — Susan Sontag,  from As


On the way back from the hospital I ask in the rickshaw — Why this life-long marination in nature and language? Why go desperately Sensing the too-named Naming the too-sensed? Where do I go gutfully as seasons blaze through me?

Mt. Luna

Sister, look at the moon fret with you above Mt. Luna. He knows the fiefdom of dissenting clans is upon you, somewhere in a countryside where poetry never had a chance. The fire in the mountains is a torrid metaphor you have to

The Birthing

A wrinkled fleshly fruit plucked out of my womb They asked me if I want to look and feel and hold Angry, I turned my head away, an emphatic no For the pain the wriggling brat had given me so

The Dawning

The world shifts on its axis when it dawns on you that your parents are not the font of knowledge and wisdom the epitome of perfection not gods, but imperfect, fallible human beings with dreams and desires a life beyond parenthood.

Love not Lost

I sit and stare off into the void. Wrapped in inky blackness, the sky’s many twinkling stars keep a wary eye on me, I can feel it. My thoughts play a song; notes of an old song, from a

My Last Link

I ran hysterically and had no idea what was happening! The village was haunted and dark; only the stars gave me courage. Ghostly silence of humanity, and only a bat flapped its wings, and an owl hooted far away in

Mother’s Tongue

My mother’s tongue is not her rebellion She has never used it for self empowerment or polarity to speak out against humanity or to construct her identity in the ventures of prose or poetry Her tongue is not her weapon

To the Second Book

The bedsheets had different colours with different patterns of creases that spoke of random encounters with a lost and dull civilization. There were nights spent on a lonely continent, with a slowly growing love of the unknown and the foreign, And


Is it 9:00 am already? Each day, at this exact hour, a treacherous beam tricks her fellow rays and breaks free into the dark confines of my room. Escaping the opaqueness of a thick brown curtain through a narrow slit.

An Artist’s Burden

Paint the present With past radiant Preserve the glory With pen or brush Glorious, undefiled by the Proliferation of technology Of post-agrarian times…. Down the lane of memory Revisit, recapture and Resuscitate beauty Live present by celebrating past An anchor to


I have seen you sitting in the wrinkled sack of a home Your moist, savory stories slapped shut in the folds of your earth, Pregnant, drunk, and raining. I have seen the blue-red shriek, the aboriginal music Piercing through your

A Talk about Colour

Equity and Justice are overpowering ideas Yet everything not legitimate exists today That deserves not a space to hide and attack On exploration of the natural environment around One may come across it as a word – Environmental Racism Taking a toll

Dying Poem

My poem is dying, a scared death in the lobes of my brain, perturbed by noises of the rapid civilisation My poem is a thought entwined with many more thoughts, unable to breathe out the right patterns of my imagination My


Behind a ruined cottage ghosts endure among untended trees. Imperfect fruit weighs down gnarled branches. The shadow of a child skips rope, each turn clips hard-packed clay. The sun slips lower. A hungry child her ice-blue eyes, a frenzy of curls, gathering

Peace At All Costs

Father’s mantra ‘Peace at all costs’ Calmed our sibling quarrels Our petty squabbles soon forgotten We resumed our play with dolls and toys. ‘Peace at all costs, he said to me Standing beside mother, facing me as I tried to win an

Nightingale’s Melody

City lights turned off, roads emptied, flash of moon glow illuminated the eyes. Stream of honey flowed in her throat, in the darkest hour, heard an irresistible nightingale’s melody. Kneeled by my wounded heart, feathers caressed sunken cheeks, was comatose for years,

These Dark Days

With wars in the world The covid germs lingering in the air Men and women and children being shot and bombed World war three looming Cancers popping up everywhere The bills getting bigger With people starving and homeless in first world countries

The Hug

The casually slipped arm about the waist the squeeze of the shoulder spoke volumes of the love felt but rarely displayed. A quiet glow spread from the toes upwards spreading its warmth to all the pores driving out the chill felt

The Consolation

Look at the kites these are still flying Beneath the bright sunlight The sign of morning and dawn’s hue That is life, giving its clue Don’t get fed up, and catch every chance To listen to the rhythm of heartbeat And allow


People have lamps for bodies. When you’re in hurricane love you can see it, the light house, the summer rental for the soul lit up like unexpected fireworks that make a holiday. The human body is an arsonist. At any

Silence of Crows

A black line of clouds expands upwards above the trees. I watch in confusion. Your boots crumble honeycomb-cracks stepping across the yard towards me. Your frown deepens, battered hat in hand. My smile falters. The stifling heat. On a day like this

Shotgun Smoke

She has been living one foot in the Pacific Ocean, the other dipping a curious toe in the Andaman Sea. Who is she? Wild flower flourishing in the hothouse till she grows tall as a poppy queuing for the guillotine. Still,

I’m PMSing !!

A baby when she wants As evil when she haunts Sometimes Jolly, sometimes Bossy She is the one and only Artsy-Topsy At times as wild as a hungry Raccoon Very soon as mild as the silent Moon Her nails are clean, but

The Proposals

With a towel wrapped around her wet hair, Mariam stood in her closet, trying to figure out what shalwar kameez to wear to the family dinner. She rummaged through, passing all the bright-coloured ones and landed on a black one. She

Buying Stuff with Smiles

“Saleem!” Ami called from the kitchen. “Your friends are almost here. Quickly go and grab a dozen eggs from the barn”. I swiftly hurried down the clay stairs, absorbing their coolness as I went through the blazing morning sun that kept donating

Wild Meadows

Wild Meadows We were allowed To laugh, but not loud Hushed, the windows must be closed Mind the door, not ajar. It took mind to defy and speak The heart always believed That it was love I was protected and valued. I


Sky shelters the magic bowls that wrapped. Drizzle dances Ahead of street lights. Stillness of the wet city Breeze and chilly. Carving bundles Of memories. I could sense-even a city has nerves Of such emotions. A mid-night sounds Of heavy rain drops.

The Bonsai

The Bonsai She opened the shining gift wrap And delighted she was to find that exotic bonsai. The beautiful tree so carefully tamed to be dwarfed with gentle love that it was contented inhibited. Excited, she asked friends and the internet some

One night…

Snow capped purple mountains I see, Whispering a melody for me to feel. The fresh perfumery scent of the Fraser Fir, soothe my lungs in fragment fresh air. Sun dips beyond the hazy mountain range; glow of the rising moon doth search

Lavender Girl

I’ ever toot though ‘m genuine. Do, remember my summer? Rounded three paired chairs, Fourteen I was, eight we’re Grands, brothers and hens. Crew cries if I break Grand says” lavender-Girl” Once A new beard left My pink breast started To feed.


The emarald eyed banjaaran Offers green bangles to me. Where do you get the glass from? I ask her, now crystal eyed. From my tears, says she. I watch the clear gluey stream. Where do you get the green from? I ask

Happy Family?

1. “Mom left? What do you mean by mom left?” Aman screamed, still standing. The early morning breeze flowing through the huge French-sized window on the opposite wall seemed to have warmed in an instant. Dad looked at him, his eyes were


I am in a transcendental trance Of transmutation To transnationalism From nationalism To translatability of cultures And translanguaging! From monolingualism To transhistoricity From historical binaries To transmission of the viruses Of love for humanity! To emancipation From translucent biases To


Sometimes my aunts sit around the stove And talk about their husbands in shy whispers While they talk about countries and their fall in another room This is how it has been ever since I was a child The demarcation

When Alamelu Shrugged

‘Mother, to suckle and suckle insatiably The milk sentient from thy life breast’ —Subramania Bharati in Krishna – My Mother Alamelu, my mother, is a small made woman. But from her childhood, heavy burdens were placed on her shoulders.

Two Tales

Cousin Freddie I’ve spoken often of the black sheep I know (if anybody is the black sheep of their family, I surely am) but let me devote some time here to one of the good eggs. Let me mention

Father’s Day

“Fix everything in the apartment, my parents can’t know you practically live here,” Mariam said to her boyfriend, Steve, before getting ready to take her parents to a Father’s Day breakfast. “I will, don’t worry,” Steve said, rolling out of


We dodge sedge and thistles through overhanging branches on the riverbank kangaroo trail, stirring dust of ancient artisans. I see their shadows, stone axes ready as they scan red gums for smooth trunks with the perfect girth. Sure-strokes chime, stripping


Abba was the kind of man you see every day, the kind you see, work with and watch him pass by, maybe even attend his daughter’s marriage reception. But Abba wasn’t the kind of man who’d incite any excitement in

The Four Walls

Springing up from the ink of the lifeless lines sketched on the architect’s map the four walls started growing swiftly. Layer upon layer of bricks and mortar kept tearing the open into an inside and an outside. Strong they stood