Henry Victor

Henry Victor, a poet and a blogger, is living currently in Edmonton, Canada. He is retired from his academic activities and pastoring in the Anglican Church, and currently enjoys his grand-parenting of Justin and Josephine. Prior to coming to Canada, he was a Senior Lecturer in Comparative Religions in the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, where he was born, and has promoted inter-religious harmony and co-operation, particularly in the eastern province that moulded him.

Forgotten Soul

The old man reading Alistair Urquhart’s hardcover Forgotten Highlander! but did he sit in front of me in the small mall lounge for the same reason as my own sense of lostness with that loss of love? that I will never
January 25, 2024

Pleasures Of Cooking

  Is it cooked inside? What I detested, very much, and considered a waste of my time during my first sixty years, was cooking. But now, in the last ten years, I enjoy making food very much! I look forward to
January 25, 2021


Joseph, my friend in Vancouver, sent me some old black and white pictures. They depict scenes in Sri Lanka when the country was known as Ceylon, the Paradise Island. These pictures are interesting, provoking a variety of emotions within me. 
January 25, 2020

Poise By Purpose

I detest, very much, that word faith. I do so because of the way the word is abused, to convey anti-intellectual, illogical, and a blind acceptance of a conventional mode of thought without any further examination or probing. But I
July 25, 2019


by that river I bend down to note down in my notebook for I hear the water flow but see not the bottom of the bed, not even knee deep I breathe the fresh air but creeps that doubt I think
July 25, 2018

My Salad

is made with a poetic love, like breaking lines in my poem I chop into pieces the Roma tomatoes and the English cucumber with the yellow onions, all raw adding also some boiled dried Indian chickpeas with un-fried sunflower seed, sprinkling generously
April 30, 2018