Social Distancing – A Service To The Others

April 25, 2020



Cooking for, and having supper together, with my daughter and her family once a week — usually on Sunday — is, I am feeling necessary for my mental and spiritual health. At this time I open my heart also to Sophie, my daughter’s pet, who is an integral part of her family.

This week we had our family supper last evening rather than waiting for today! And the first one last evening to come to my door was Sophie, even before others got down from the car, barking expecting me to quickly open the door.

That is normally Josephine’s work; she will keep ringing the doorbell until I open to pick her up and embrace. That did not happen yesterday and we are encouraging that avoidance, refraining from hugs, until the virus epidemic passes over to nothingness!

That’s a little prescription for social distancing by refusing to become a bridge for the invisible bug to keep moving forward!

This is actually a service I can render to other fellow humans. It is a tiny drop but an important one!

I prepare dishes to the banquet I proudly made for my darling daughter and her gang! They enjoyed it.

I know I am unduly committed to healthy eating! More vegetables but not cursing meat, usually chicken! And I usually stick to rice, since I am rooted firmly in my Tamil culture, acknowledging also the region in which my mother gave birth to me!

I know food and good mental health build new cells, repairing also the old and the degenerating ones while the two also contribute to building a healthy and vibrant immune system within the body.

Hence I have, for almost last ten years, taken extra care adding certain food items with greater healing properties such as garlic, turmeric, ginger, apple cider, lemon, (plenty of) onion, celery, tomato, nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, and an endless list of spies in lesser quantities! I choose vegetables in many colours — green, red, yellow, and more!

Wow! That helps me to avoid paying an extra bill for multi-vitamin tablets that often comes during retirement!

At such a family table, I provide some entertainment — a bit of clowning — by digging with two hands into the sweet my daughter makes, or my son in law purchases from the store!

These are temptations any healthy person will find it difficult to resist. But soon, I will mature into some sort of self-control!



Henry Victor

Henry Victor, a poet and a blogger, is living currently in Edmonton, Canada. He is retired from his academic activities and pastoring in the Anglican Church, and currently enjoys his grand-parenting of Justin and Josephine. Prior to coming to Canada, he was a Senior Lecturer in Comparative Religions in the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, where he was born, and has promoted inter-religious harmony and co-operation, particularly in the eastern province that moulded him.

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