Reimagining Hurt

April 25, 2019



How would you like to feel
in your body J Mase III asked before beginning his
workshop with a group of thirteen womxn
and trans folx dealing with body trauma?

How would you humanise
your scars? Can you write yourself a blessing? Can you write about what hurts
most? Can you reimagine healing? How would you like to feel in your body?

loved/ loved/ loved/
loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/
loved/ loved/ loved/ beautiful/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/
loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ whole again, please?/
loved/ desired/ loved/ wanted/ loved/ understood/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/
loved/ loved/ not so lonely/ loved/ unfucked/ loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/
loved/ loved/ loved/ loved/ really just that, i think/ loved/ loved/ i could
fill this entire page with that one word

like I have filled all my
nights with that word

during the day I focus on
other words beautiful/ desired/ wanted/ understood/ unfucked but in the dark of
the night under the star-sequinned georgette sky it is always that one word
loved –



This poem was written at the “Write Me Where It Hurts: On Healing From Body Trauma Through Poetry” Workshop organised on February 21, 2019, by Brown University’s LGBTQ Centre and conducted by the Black/ trans poet and educator, J Mase III.



Somrita Urni Ganguly

Somrita Urni Ganguly is a professor, poet, and literary translator, presently affiliated with Brown University, Rhode Island, as a Fulbright doctoral research fellow. Somrita’s work has been showcased at the 2017 London Book Fair and she has been published in Asymptote, Words Without Borders, In Other Words, and Muse India, among others.
She is currently translating a novel on the Russian Revolution from Bangla to English.

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