Forgotten Soul

January 25, 2024


The old man
reading Alistair
Urquhart’s hardcover
Forgotten Highlander!

but did he sit in front of me
in the small mall lounge
for the same reason
as my own sense of lostness
with that loss of love?

that I will never know!

only for a short time
he read
soon he is tired

shutting his book
he opens it again!

with his mouth always open
and wearing two different shoes
white on one leg
brown on the other!

reminding me,my brown spouse
walking with her white lover!

and if they were to sit
on a couch in front of me?

prompting my interpretation:
all is not well!

revealed also, with one not laced
to accommodate a swelling leg!

clearly revealing that all is not
well, is his walker beside him
with an added pointer
his shoes un-evenness!


Henry Victor

Henry Victor, a poet and a blogger, is living currently in Edmonton, Canada. He is retired from his academic activities and pastoring in the Anglican Church, and currently enjoys his grand-parenting of Justin and Josephine. Prior to coming to Canada, he was a Senior Lecturer in Comparative Religions in the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, where he was born, and has promoted inter-religious harmony and co-operation, particularly in the eastern province that moulded him.

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