Letters Between Chizuko Ueno and Ryomi Suzuki

The book Letters Between Chizuko Ueno and Ryomi Suzuki, written by Chizuko and Ryomi, explores several contentious topics concerning modern feminism in Japan. This book consisted of twelve letters between Chizuko and Ryomi, which can be mainly divided into two
January 25, 2023


“This is too revealing. The boys are getting disturbed. Tell your mother to buy you something that covers you. Look at what Alisha is wearing.” Her coach barks at her. Chlorine goes up her nostrils as she tries to hold on to

Momma – Courage

I always tell her she is very brave. Maybe I should use the word ‘courage’ more often. “You know I left you behind because I had to. I feel bad about it.” Ma said. “Don’t. Momma you did what you thought was

A View with A Room

I have dreams about ‘writing spaces,’ but before I can turn this dream into reality, I must ask the apple tree for permission to share space with it, in the far corner of my backyard, where it stands in solitary splendor. I

The Jig is Up!

Each year millions of Indians celebrate the killing of an Asura King by Hindu Goddess Durga for ten days. The Hindu festival, set in casteist narratives has us convinced that the evil is an outsider. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data

Transcending Boundaries.

Transcending Boundaries, Diversity and Inclusion in Australian Fiction Book Publishing. Diversity and inclusion in Australian publishing continue to be under scrutiny. The Australian Publishing Industry Workforce Survey on Diversity and Inclusion, released on 31 August 2022, referred to all sections

Alternative Masculinity

We surely were annoyed, rather uncomfortable, looking at the PDA of the middle-aged couple.  Dr.Harihar Panda and his wife Mrs.Savita Panda were my guests that evening, along with two other friends from Odisha—Dr. Manas and Dr.Shubhra. All of them except for Savita

When Gangubai becomes Gangubhai

The Politics of ‘Apolitical’ Films In a neoliberal world, where cultural industries appropriate emotions and affective spaces, it would be unrealistic to expect popular mainstream films to portray social reality or to invite critical deliberations through cultural texts. Yet we often encounter

Diversity Is A Fact

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are currently occupying everyone’s attention since the murder of George Floyd in 2020, and the concept of anti-racism and decolonization became more prominent. However, to start with that, it is important to note that the

Changing The Script

When Dylan sang The Times They are a Changin’ in 1964, a clarion call to generations of rebellious young people, he (and we) would have never imagined just how prophetic his words were. If there is anything constant in our contemporary mediascapes,

Between The Lines

Several years ago, a young English couple came to honeymoon in the hill country of Sri Lanka. Part of their stay was in a wonderful hotel which was built in a former tea factory.  Some of the pieces of equipment

Marriage Or Migration

An Escape from Overbearing Parenting Toxic parenting is very common in South Asia. In general, if one considers how much parents and children are enmeshed in each other’s lives, it is a hold that is never relinquished till one or

Why We’re All Slow Learners?

  If there is such a thing as a ‘slow’ learner, does it mean there are ‘slow’ teachers, ‘slow’ trainers, ‘slow’ Head Masters, ‘slow’ officials, ‘slow’ institutions, ‘slow’ systems? It’s amazing to see how many people use the term ‘slow’ learner without

Redefining The Classroom

People who criticise teachers tend to overlook the fact that the typical government school teacher has a challenging situation – a shifting population of children who are at different levels, with home conditions that do not always support education, and with

We Write Your Rights

The Challenge Of Creating Educational Material For Women Refugees As academics dealing with real-life educational issues with important socio-political dimensions, we often need to struggle in order to find a balance between our allegiance to our research goals, our ideological