Wisdom Can Be Life-Changing

July 25, 2022

Imagine… A life free of stress. A life without anxiety. A life with happy relationships. All this seems utopian given the challenges we all face, but that may be because we have been looking in the wrong place for the answers. Wisdom, which comes from a deeper understanding of ourselves and how our minds work, offers us a different way of being in the world, and a fresh way of dealing with problems.

Let’s explore 3 ways living with this wisdom could be life-changing.

How can wisdom help us be less stressed?

If we sit for an exam, our mind assumes that the exam is causing us stress. Or, if we are stuck in a traffic jam, we believe the traffic jam is making us stressed. If we use our wisdom, we can see that stress is just an automatic reaction from our thinking to an external event. Because not everyone is stressed, and not to the same degree. It is the difference between how things are and how we want them to be. Unfortunately, we seem to have no control over that reaction.

To be free of stress, we can either change the event or change our reaction to it. Often we cannot change the event or another person, but we can change how we react. To do that, we need to understand why our mind reacts the way it does. That journey of understanding ourselves opens the door to wisdom which can help us avoid and overcome stress. You can discover this wisdom for yourself because you already have it within you, and it can be life-changing.

Living with wisdom can bring lasting freedom. Now, wouldn’t that be amazing?

How can wisdom help us be less anxious?

Anxiety causes so much suffering, and we seem to have no control over it, but wisdom can help us be free of it.

When we are afraid or anxious, and we distract ourselves and think of something else, our anxiety disappears, suggesting that it is a product of our thinking. Our mind assumes our anxiety comes from the outside – from exams, or work, or a lack of money, but if we use our wisdom to look carefully, we can see that it is just a reaction from our thinking because everyone is not affected in the same way. Our fears control and shape our lives in ways we are unaware of and are a product of our unconscious thinking.

Understanding ourselves and how our minds work opens the door to wisdom and allows us to understand the root cause of fear in our thinking. With this understanding, anxiety can be prevented and more easily overcome, which can set us free to live life fully. After all, the ultimate freedom is freedom from undue fear, and this can be life-changing.

1 in 5 adults and 1 in 3 students in the UK suffer from anxiety, so you are not alone. So begin your own journey to wisdom and discover how you can be free.

How can wisdom help us have happier relationships?

Our happiness depends on the quality of our relationships. Yet, even if one of our relationships at home or work is unhappy, we struggle to be happy. How can wisdom help us have enduring relationships with depth and without conflict?

The more we understand ourselves, the easier it is to understand others because deep down, we are the same human beings and our minds function similarly. We all have unmet emotional needs – a need to be understood, loved, accepted, feel important, and listened to, for example. We expect others to meet these needs, and when they are not satisfied, we become unhappy and blame others for our unhappiness. Others expect us to meet their needs, and conflict follows. Understanding this allows us to respond with wisdom.

We get easily hurt when our expectations are unmet and react by getting angry, withdrawing our affection, finding other ways to retaliate, or leaving the relationship. Wisdom allows us to understand what is going on in our own thinking, take ownership of how we feel, and begin a healing conversation with others.

The art of successful relationships is one we can all learn, and it can transform our life.

An old aborigine elder once said – ‘Traveller there is no path. Paths are made by walking.
Wisdom allows us to be the change we want to see in the world and live our best lives.






To learn more and explore these topics in-depth, download the HumanWisdom app on the Apple or Google store or visit https://humanwisdom.me. It is free to browse. Click on here for the short video introduction of the HumanWisdom app





Manoj Krishna

Manoj Krishna trained as a doctor in India before coming to the UK to pursue a career as a spine surgeon. He left that career to write the book Understanding Me, Understanding You- an enquiry into being human, and launch the Human Wisdom Project, which aims to help people access their own wisdom which comes from self-knowledge. This can be life-changing and make the world a better place.

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