
April 25, 2021


I think after a time you stop

ageing and time itself enters

a zone that is timeless

Memories freeze somewhere

in the thin air and thoughts

are scrambled, losing logic

There you move on a path

between dying and death

Uncertainty and delusions

cease to exist and mind

transports to a realm where

searching for meaning becomes

meaningless, there the sunrise

and sunset are almost the same

and night is not very different

from the passing day, it is where

ugly and beauty join hands and

there is nothing left to reason or

judge. Through this patch of

universe when you slowly traverse,

you have no regrets, no dreams

and you know that’s the ultimatum

you had been looking for all your life



Mitra Samal

Mitra Samal mostly writes poems and occasionally pens down stories or memoirs. She is a software professional with a passion for both technology and literature. She has published a book of poetry called ‘Beginning’ and participates in poetry open mics. Her works have been published in various online and print media as well. She is also an avid reader and a Toastmaster who loves to speak her heart out.

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