The Old Mother of Freedom

July 25, 2021


Push me!
Pull me!
Maul me!
Haul me!
I’m old
I’m frail

Do you reckon
I’m easy prey,

because my hair’s turned grey?

Oh! you slight mighty men

Don’t you be fooled
you can drive me away!

Shame on you!

With the stars on your shoulder;
The stripes on your shirt;
you still need a brash brutal bigoted force,
to smother me;
to carry me like a crucifix;
to manhandle my seventy year old frame,
and cram me
into the warriors’ bus;

But don’t you see already,
that my defiant heart is more mighty,
than your power clad deficient boots?!

I’m old
I’m frail
I’m the mother of freedom!

So don’t you be fooled
you can drive me away!

Push me!
Pull me!
Maul me!
Haul me!
I don’t care even if you kill me!

“We are the gatekeepers of law”
You outlaws claim;
So hear me now;

for I shall not die.
I shall still rise,
like dust

I shall return at dusk;

Reincarnated into hundred more,

to tell your ignoble master,

Don’t you be fooled
You can drive me away!




Farweez Imamudeen

Farweez Imamudeen is the Director of Speak - an academy designed to help school children transform their personalities. He is also a freelance writer from Sri Lanka whose articles have appeared in Groundviews, Colombo Telegraph and Vidivelli.

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