The Tiniest Can Beat The Tallest

April 25, 2020




I firmly believe that everything that happens brings along a message and a life lesson.

Coronavirus COVID-19 has hit us badly and we all are in a state of shock, uncertainty and disbelief at how such a tiny thing(virus) has jolted the world in such a disastrous manner.

Although it has been a roller coaster ride for everyone, and in the midst of this unfortunate event, there are no doubt a tremendous amount of life lessons for us to unwrap.

However, it’s a fact that some lessons in life can only be learned in times of crises. 

The first lesson we have learnt from the outbreak is:

The Tiniest Can Beat The Tallest.

The Minor Can Floor The Mightiest.

It’s such an eye-opener for all of us that a micro-millimetre sized, newborn virus is flooring, beating and killing the most intelligent, mightiest, selfish, cruel and cunning living creature of this world:  humans.

Be it the atom bombs, the F-16s, the satellites, or the space technology, and nothing is of help to humans now against this virus.

This cruel episode is reminding us that we (humans) are all equal, regardless of our culture, religion, occupation, financial situation or how famous we are. This disease is treating us all equally. There is a lesson hidden in this: that all humans are equal in the eyes of God. The superiors are the ones who keep the deepest faith in Him and can surrender in front of Him.

An amazing thing we all are observing and actually practising in this time of need is how to serve humanity in the best possible way. We are all connected and something that affects one person has an effect on another.

It’s a new learning path we are on: seeing how an individual, a community and a nation at large handles a crisis of a large magnitude.

Every individual in the community is taking care of one another in fighting the crisis. We may be different but when it comes to a crisis, we are all as ONE in combating it. It is really a true reflection of who we are as human beings and that we care for one another despite our differences.

The most important thing, which we always take for granted, is our health, and this crisis has taught us how precious our health is and how we have moved to neglect it through eating poor quality manufactured food, and drinking water that is contaminated with chemicals upon chemicals. Remember, nothing is more important than health. Take care of your immune system, like you take care of your valuables.

On a practical level,  this crisis has given the much needed ‘Me time’ to all of us to explore who we  are – emotionally and spiritually.

We can write our heart out, can make journals, write, catch up on online courses and do some overdue inner work. This is the best time to figure out and learn to be ok with empty spaces in our life.

There is another aspect related to Corona and that is, it offers several blessings in disguise too, for example, the crisis preparedness, need for responsive urgent medical research mechanism, lifestyle review and the most important thing is the need of digital knowledge. These are some of the things which we have not practised often, and actually this is a learning period for the ones who are wise enough to take guidance.

Life will keep sending you the same lesson until you face it and learn: 

love nature and live a simpler and less materialistic life.

In such a critical situation through which we are passing, we must not forget to regard the ones who are trying to make our life safer and easier. We want to be really thankful to the doctors, nurses, the paramedics, who are working tirelessly to treat patients, leaving their families behind to tend for their fellow brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters; giving their all.

We all are going through a dark time, but we are not alone, and it helps to try to believe that this outbreak is here to give you a message.

For all the dark times we experience, you have the chance to come out stronger and better.

You have to keep your faith in God that this all shall pass and God will make things better for us in future.

These tough times are a great opportunity for growth and learning.

During these situations, we should not lose hope, and should maintain our belief,  expressed in verse 95:4 from the Holy Quran:

“And, behold, with every hardship comes ease”: “فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا.

All in all, as the crisis continues to affect different parts of the world, it is also a very important time for us as individuals and a society to be there for one another and have each other’s back so that we as a collective can be able to weather this storm together.




Sundeela Fayyaz

Sundeela Fayyaz is a freelance writer, blogger and a storyteller.
She writes for various newspapers, magazines and websites.
Currently, she is working as a cooperative teacher at Karachi University.
Sundeela is in the editorial and research team of an educational magazine of the University and an active member of National Association of young scientists, Pakistan.

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