The Drifter

January 25, 2024

When autumn wind sighs
over mitchell grass downs
I look for you
stencilled black
against the coppery glow.

We speak of simple things
living a lifetime in small moments,
daily doings, a dripping tap, the leaky pipe.
Shifting the kettle to the hob,
tracking a whorl of stars across the dome.
I wish we could hitch a ride to heaven.
But you’re drawn to city lights
places around the bend
beyond the hill.

Waking in dawn’s grey
I hear leaves crunching
you’re leaving me
to wait
for autumn wind
shushing over grassy downs.

Marilyn Humbert

Marilyn Humbert lives in the Northern suburbs of Sydney NSW Australia. Her Tanka and Haiku appear in many international and Australian journals, anthologies and online. Her free-verse poems have been awarded prizes in competitions and some have been published.

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