The Curatorial Years

October 25, 2021


With less ahead than behind
she begins to select
what will fill this old house
past her tenure
& what will be left behind
for clearance, burning or salvage

precise distillation of spirit
in the cauldron of words
better to prepare than

be caught without one’s papers in order!
trawling through and editing out
the story you would leave
those you love.



Linda Adair

Linda Adair is a poet, writer, publisher and a co-editor of Rochford Street Review an online journal. Her first chapbook is being published later this year by Melbourne Poets Union and my work has been included in the Puncher & Wattman anthology To End All Wars, the magazines Social Alternatives, & P76, online journals such as Bluepepper, Meusse, as well as being part of Project 366.

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