The Art Of Being Alone

July 25, 2020



Right now, I’ll message loved ones
And make sure that they’re okay
Then I’ll read Milk & Honey
A little later in the day
In the night, I’ll start a painting
Of a girl with turquoise eyes
And maybe write a poem
About love or lust or lies
Tomorrow, I’ll watch a movie
I’m thinking maybe Vertigo?
Or just roll around in bed
And make shadows on the floor
Then I’ll take a psych course
From a fancy online college
And Google how to be productive
Because I need that kind of knowledge
The day after, I might meditate
Try to find some inner peace
And possibly get some exercise
Frankly, it’s been weeks
I could learn a new dance move
To add to my repertoire
Because flappy wings and bunny hops
Can only go so far
Oh, I could tour the garden
And pluck flowers for my dad
And I think I’ll ring that old friend
Lately she’s been feeling sad
Perhaps I’ll play ping pong
Against a clean white wall
Unless my mother yells at me
And throws away the ball
Maybe I’ll play the Cashflow game
To learn how to invest
Or discover my spirit animal’s a cow
On some absurd online test
I could pluck my eyebrows
While I Facetime a far-off friend
Maybe visit a virtual museum
I’ve heard that that’s a trend
I might read Love Letters
I mean Gurney’s play, not my own
Everyone knows today’s love letters
Are just emojis sent by phone
It’s true, I miss my humans
But I can work on being alone
Because there’s a certain joy
In finding magic on your own.



Ayesha Ratnayake

Ayesha Ratnayake is a creator driven by the vision of an ideal world. A Sri Lankan born in Fiji, she enjoys championing causes, sketching, writing, and participating in improv comedy. She is a Chartered Marketer and an MBA holder and the author of several books including The Utopia Playbook and Cheat Sheets for Life.

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Editor’s Note – She Transforms Technology

I believe in empowerment and specifically female empowerment. 

I’m PMSing !!

A baby when she wants As evil when she haunts