Sound Of The Soul

April 30, 2018

I hear the sound coming from the weeping soul
You reflect it-the pain and broken heart
With the spreading wing of mercy and love
Solacing the weeping heart…..!

Yes, the wing of the heart is broken
The dancing leg is in the prison of an open desert
It is partly with you…
Till the heart heals the wound
Caused by the silence..!

This open heaven is still closed, all windows…!
It is like a prison 
Let them open, a few of them – 
To enter the sound the dancing souls from a distance 
The key is with you 
It is in your heart covered with care…! 


Munas Kalden

Munas Kalden is serving as the Strategic Editor at FemAsia. He is a believer in Social Transformation and currently practising it in the fields of Education and Peacebuilding with working experiences in the context of Sri Lanka, Lesotho, South Africa, Sudan and Nigeria. Munas is also a Poet and a Storyteller. He is a PhD candidate at the United Nations Mandated University for Peace (UPEACE) in Costa Rica exploring the role of education in driving conflict and building peace.

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