Healing Bowls Of Soup Around The World

October 25, 2019



Soup is considered to be as age-old as the history of cooking. In instances of food scarcity, steaming random ingredients with pepper and salt can work magic. There are numerous tales and fables on when the soup was originated. But there’s nothing quite comforting than a warming bowl of soup on a cold melancholic day.

We at FemAsia are delighted to bring you some soul-soothing soups from the cuisines around the world.


Lentil Soup




“That bowl of soup—it was dearer than freedom, dearer than life itself, past, present, and future.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich


 This is a traditional food recipe is a staple in many opulent cuisines of the Middle East. It is made frothy and fresh with lemon juice and crisp mint leaves.

This soup calls for a few primary ingredients and doesn’t take long to make. Lentil soup slightly varies according to the country to which it belongs. One thing which does not change is its divine taste.

Check out for a Lentil Soup Recipe








“Soup is a lot like a family. Each ingredient enhances the others; each batch has its own characteristics, and it needs time to simmer to reach full flavour.”

  • Marge Kennedy


Gazpacho is a Spanish cold soup made of raw, blended vegetables along with bread. The texture is lush and creamy and the punchy, garlicky flavour makes the soup unique.

Check out for a Gazpacho Soup Recipe




Tom Yum





“It is impossible to think of any good meal, no matter how plain or elegant, without soup or bread in it.”

M. F. K. Fisher



Tom yum or tom yam is a type of hot and sour Thai soup, usually boiled with shrimps. Classic tom yum soup is full of hot and sour flavours such as lemongrass, lime leaves, lime juice, tamarind water and red chillies.

This popular Thai soup is pungent, spicy and aromatic with exotic herbs.


Check out for a Tom yum Soup Recipe



French Onion Soup





“Ever since I was little, I loved soup! Whether I was sick or had a bad day, my momma would always make me soup!”

Rachel Hollis

French onion soup, by and large, is based on meat stock and onions. And often served with croutons and cheese on top of a large piece of bread. The broth’s distinctive flavour and colour are developed through the caramelisation of onions.


Check out for a French Onion Soup Recipe



Mulligatawny Soup




“My most visceral childhood memory is getting home from hockey. Much of our family time revolved around hockey, and it rains a lot in Perth, and we’d get home tired and wet in our tracksuits, and the smell I’d hold in my nose is of mother’s vegetable soup.”

Tim Minchin

Mulligatawny is a soup which originated from South Indian cuisine. This is a richly flavoured soup, spiced with pepper and tamarind. It is ideal to warm you up on a cold day and south Asian prefer to have it with rice.


Check out for a Mulligatawny  Soup Recipe




Hot And Sour Soup




“Even with my wife, I find sharing soup is hard.”

Wallace Shawn



Hot and sour soup is a famous Chinese soup made with egg ribbons, tofu and shitake mushrooms. It is no secret that the soup contains of ingredients both spicy and sour.

Check out for a Hot and Sour Soup Recipe



A bowl of good soup can calm down your nerves and helps you to unwind after a hectic day. Try out these soup recipes while recalling your most memorable soup moments.





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