Scholastic Brothel

October 25, 2023

It was
that golden hour
one wild evening
in the chaste spring
When the sun melted
in a pool of warm pink
and down it sent
a wanton gleam
To brush against
her soft cheeks
and give her curls
a fiery tinge

It was then
he spotted her
amidst the crowd
of strong and weak
It was then
he spotted her
among the faces
of pale and dark

It was when
he knew she was
an innocent maiden
in a tempting shape
It was when
he knew she was
a clever head
with a pretty face

Enlightened man
with a handsome face
Enlightened man
in an enlightening space
Enlightened man
with a book to educate

Stood and watched
his curious prey…
with burning eyes
and ardent desire…

Fixated on her
he threw a noose
To drag her along
beneath the sacred light
To bury her there
In the gloomy dark

In an Enlightening space
He called Brothel.

Mahnoor Khan

Mahnoor originally hails from Mailsi, a small city in the heart of Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Currently, she is an undergraduate student studying English Literature and Linguistics at NUML Islamabad. She is fond of cats and roses and even greater fondness for tea and books. She believes that words in written form are the true reflection of one’s innermost self.

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