Relational Shadow

July 25, 2018


I got refuge under the shadow you left
It should be of yours in the desert of relationship
Composed by the song of the heart joined together
You are not there
How does the shadow remain?
Possible, because it is for me
I can recognise the shadow with the wrath comes out of it
From the breeze it produces
Relational footprint.

I got refuge under the shadow you left
Let me do my prayers. This is the time for it
I do hear the voice you recite
Let me take the abolition
Let me follow you in my prayer.

I do not worry about even if the moon appears
In the sky of our relation. The shadow will remain. You go.
Don’t bother about the dark night without the stars
I could relax. It is an odyssey.
Next morning, it will welcome me with a smile
Like turning an umbrella
Keeping the hot sun away.


Munas Kalden

Munas Kalden is serving as the Strategic Editor at FemAsia. He is a believer in Social Transformation and currently practising it in the fields of Education and Peacebuilding with working experiences in the context of Sri Lanka, Lesotho, South Africa, Sudan and Nigeria. Munas is also a Poet and a Storyteller. He is a PhD candidate at the United Nations Mandated University for Peace (UPEACE) in Costa Rica exploring the role of education in driving conflict and building peace.

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