Quill Of Pain

October 25, 2021



White paper don’t stare at me
Never crumple you, I guarantee
Don’t fly away,
When the breeze sways
Stay on the old oak desk
Tip of the quill is not fake

Quill of pain
Need you more than I

The pot of ink, O! Can’t let go dry
Fill it daily, I won’t deny
To scribble thy thoughts
In verse thee poets
Stories of shattered dreams
Smudged with painful screams

Quill of pain
Need you more than I

Eyes hazy…….yes, but they read
Pages of sorrowful words that bleed
Each word so deep
Full of despair and plead
Written in rhythm and pattern
Faint with the shadow of the Lantern

Quill of pain
Need you more than I

Uncountable sheets of paper
I see you’re no traitor
Old with time
Dusty and yellow with no crime
Words and lines of yesterday
I don’t want my eyes to betray

Quill of pain
Need you more than I

My mind nebulous
Searching for words so curious
O! I am tangled in sorrow
Will my heart beat tomorrow?
Quill of pain you’ve done justice
Now I can cry for the injustice

Quill of pain
Need you more than I

Silver tears drain from my deep brown eyes…
Until the last teardrop dries

Search for words of beautiful love
Will crouch like a lost dove
No words of tender love that’s sweet
Not a single in an old sheet

Quill of pain
Need you more than I.



Yasomie Peiris

Yasomie Peiris calls herself a Dreamer who loves to pen her dreams in a creative manner. She has been writing poetry, short stories and quotes and has an unpublished collection. She is very good at drawing and pencil sketches. She is an accountant and Confidential Secretary by profession and left service many years ago and decided to enjoy life as a homemaker. Yasomie was a member of the Leo Club of Battaramulla and won many local and international awards for social service performance.

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