Preserved in Amber

October 25, 2023


Fossilised resin crystals
from forgotten forests
encircle collar bones
toffee-like & organic
amber conjures
a timeless world
before flowers
insects immortalised
inside sweet sunlit orbs
beyond history

Now so-called amber notes
lay the basis for modern perfumes
product of our imagination
the alchemy of industry
pulse points flutter
no longer the pearl of a whale
amber’s soft earthy scent
furl memories seductively
like silk scarves in a breeze

catch on the mind’s barbed wire.


Linda Adair

Linda Adair is a poet, writer, publisher and a co-editor of Rochford Street Review an online journal. Her first chapbook is being published later this year by Melbourne Poets Union and my work has been included in the Puncher & Wattman anthology To End All Wars, the magazines Social Alternatives, & P76, online journals such as Bluepepper, Meusse, as well as being part of Project 366.

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