Pornography : Commodification Of Women In Predatory Capitalism

January 15, 2018



“The new pornography is left-wing; the new pornography is a vast graveyard where the Left has gone to die. The Left cannot have its whores and its politics too.” 

– Andrea Dworkin

India has banned porn sites and consuming porn is an illegal act in the land of world’s largest democracy (the Land of Kamasutra).

At the beginning, it gave me a shock because India is the orgy of capitalistic consumerism where Wall Street gangsters experiment everything and everyone.

The land which glorifies the corporatism and its ideas, in order to implement government runs undeclared civil wars, that eliminates indigenous people from their own lands to hand over to corporates to empty the minerals.

But on other hands, it’s conservative Hindu right-wing parties fighting against the cultural hijacking of westernization while praising and supporting the corporates in the name of patriotism and progress.

Now this new war against pornography that really stimulates the thoughts on what is India’s real political stance on corporatism!

While fuelling the very idea of corporate propaganda Modi has taken a shocking step forward to ban porn sites.  Now he is satisfying both parties of his supporters. Attacks on Adivasis has taken a new step and that wiping out the people and their minerals out of the forest land it is really a big favour to corporates and other capitalist establishments.

In porn scenario, we all know that Mr Modi comes from that right-wing Racistic garbage bin called RSS( National Patriotic Organisation) and this new stunt is undoubtful to satisfy his former colleagues of that realm of hate.

Constantly Hindu right-wing fascists carrying protests against India’s cultural changes and its further steps in adopting western models. This conservative backward notion which comes out of the fundamental core of Hinduism.

This violates and breaches the freedom of choices. Same people who oppose the hijack of westernization are the ones who are defending corporatism and protecting the political positions of Indian ruling elites.

Now the argument on porn is being argued at every arena of the Kingdom of Democracy.

In this case, middle-class intellectuals are appreciating the ban of porn without any insight view on the stunt of Modi while the same middle class is celebrating the unsustainable ideas of corporates and supporting the hunt of Maoist.

Same time, these same people who are taking a huge part of Indian consumeristic lust that celebrates the hyper-sexualised cultural vulgarism of Bollywood, mostly their role models are Bollywood stars. They learn politics and their cultural paradigms from Bollywood even sex and sexism and reliance channels whatever they pull out of their sadism middle class is always there to consume it with a pride.

Whenever their channels tell them to stand up against corruption with Anna Hazare they stand up; and whenever they order them to shout against Kashmiri people they shout and go on rallies in support of the invasion of Kashmir and Adivasi lands.They believe in the Indian army and consider them as heroes.

This newly found ‘euphoria’ of banning the porn is also a propaganda that goes on satisfying the right-wing fascism.But the middle class and it’s thinking sells are far away from realising the very idea of this fake political stunt.

Let them have their political masturbation.We did not forget what happened to Anna Hazare’s public outcry on corruption, where the middle class had its best political orgasm ever. Absurdity lies there.

The lefts and liberal intellectuals and other activists are condemning the ban on porn and they have begun to portray porn as freedom of choice. They proclaim themselves as anti-state individuals by opposing the idea of banning porn. But in this case, I am really amazed by their ignorance about the underbelly of pornography.

The problem is that they aren’t coming to a healthy argument about the porn industry. Still, they consider consuming and celebrating the porn as a basic human right. Their way of propaganda is to confront Hindu right-wing fascism but they overlook the point of what pornography is all about. Not to say that it is pretty amazing to see people masturbating in front of the screens, seeing someone else’s sexual arousal.

These people never stood up against the corporate onslaught on their economy or the corporate coup d’état on human rights.

They talked and marched Against the rape of Delhi girl Nirbaya while easily forgetting thousands of rapes of Dalit, Adivasi and Kashmiri women. The inclined morality of corrupted middle class

In this chaos, one gets confusion to choose his or her political stance. That is whether to believe in this newly found euphoria or to confront the stunt of right-wing fascism.

Both sides are holding up their own agendas in order to satisfy their own politically corrupted egoism.

Right-wing political activists get their political orgasm and they think that Modi has truly saved many men’s sperm counts. On the other hand, progressive thinkers and think tanks assume that it is an onslaught on their freedom of choice.

Pornography is where women are sent to commodify for the profit of vast capitalistic firms. They pick up women randomly from Eastern Europe, South Asia, Latino community to New York ghettos sex traffickers and corporate pimps cleverly promote their scam to cornered women and they bring those women to the hell of pornography.

Once they get into this, they become laboratory rats to these scumbags. They experiment women in various ways.

Now the porn industry doesn’t make features.Since they don’t make films they have started to offer new kind of porn to its consumers. Previously the porn movies contained adultery and messed up incest scenarios. It had storylines and intercourse sequences.

Now that is not happening and they have new shows that debase the women.It projects women as commodities, categorise and portray as inanimate objects as they say “fuck them and flush them”.

This is the idea that puts outs, in other words, ATM (Ass to mouth) show or Gonzo Porn. In ATM firstly, a woman would be sodomised by one and she is getting a mouth fuck from another. The third man would be ejaculating in her vagina. At the end of the session,  her face would be flushed down the toilet by the very man who penetrated through her anus.

Violence and misogyny shape the masculinity of growing boys. ATM in the Porn sites is one of the main platforms, where they get the idea of oppressing women and notions of hyper-masculinity. A generation of boys grow up watching Gonzo Porn and our liberal think tanks argue and defending this sadism in the name of freedom of expression. On the contrary, it is a way of abusing the freedom of expression.

In your fifteens, that is where you were developing the template for your sexuality which grew within you.

If you begin by jerking off, to violent, cruel, inhuman videos do you think that you could feel the intimacy, love and compassion when you’re dealing with a woman? To get an erection, if you badly need to watch cruel sodomy shows where they flush women’s faces in the toilet after they face-fucked them,  there will be no meaning for intimacy and love.

This is where our adolescents get this very male chauvinistic attitude and learning the misogyny. They grow up believing that dehumanization as normal. Torturing women is their hyper-masculine privilege.

Thus, how could we expect a world that treats women as equals?

We create this world with all kind of sickness and we teach them to be monsters.  Later, you put the blame on the religion and other ideologies.

If porn really liberates and empowers women, then why do they end up as commodities in the capitalistic predatory world, where they show exploitation and commodification of humans as normal and cool.


Porn doesn’t allow one to distinguish between the fantasy of porn and the reality of a relationship. It keeps on telling the viewer that women are there to satisfy the men. It doesn’t show the imperfections of the human body. Same as the Beauty Industry, Porn Industry also brutally denies the nature of the human form. It claims the imperfections are not attractive and that has to be erased from the body that’s where the silicone boob industry and the plastic surgeons come into the scene.

The erection that is being shown in their movies never goes down, projecting artificially aroused erection of penis as manliness. The obsession with endurance is being embedded in the mind of an ordinary person that questions his nature and his own endurance and the boundary of his body.

A corporate sadism that pushes an ordinary person into a sickness and he begins to go through an inferiority complex about himself which makes him hate his own body and its natural boundaries. Now he is a sick person so he would be going to meet pharmaceutical representatives.  They would start to empty his wallet, prescribe erection pills while praising their products. A normal person is now impotent, so he is given pills to function his penis. It is a chain that makes money at every corner. They show supernatural as natural and make him believe that he is sick and they are rescuing from his sickness.

We don’t oppose porn because there is no declared war against porn from predatory capitalism. We got ideas on what War on Terror and what War on Drugs are all about.

They say that Terrorism and Drugs destroy the peaceful life of humans, but what about this particular kind of violence?

They had reasons to wage war on Islamists and Mexican Drug Cartels (forget about the hidden agenda). But why they carry this cunning silence on pornography.

Why couldn’t they declare a war on porn that’s where the corporate pimping morality betrays our mainstream conscious.

The porn industry feeds a vast number of corporate elites, studios, banks, credit card companies. It is not a surprise that one of the major IT firms, Mind Geeks dominates the Internet pornography. They deliver the Porn to the mobile of your 15-year-old and they are the people who maintain that Scumbag Hub to debase a generation of men.

We often fail to understand the core issue of this problem. Porn doesn’t promote sex, it promotes masturbation. It defines sex as solitary auto-arousal.  The Porn Industry has redefined the idea of intimacy while hollowing out the meaning of love, intimacy and compassion. Pornography is about getting yourself off at someone else’s expenses as Chris Hedges says.

Basically, it is about who is watching and who is being victimised.

Though our civilised conscience wants porn to be seen by only adults, the reality is far away. They deliver porn to every home and we let it seduce our kids. Another side of the story is that we never thought about the first victims of this scam: A strange white woman from Eastern Europe or a girl from New York ghetto.Is that why we don’t talk about the scam of this industry?

We don’t care about anyone not even about our own kids. Whatever being pulled out by their sadistic mind to make money we accept it and discuss the ethics of consuming their sadism.

In India’s case, we are missing the point and we are more into our own agendas. We failed to identify the real issue of porn. Banning it was a mere drama to satisfy groups and individuals. Wiping the porn completely from the Internet domain is not going to stop the consumption of pornography.

Porn has already hijacked our sexuality and cultural arena. We the Sri Lankans are busy searching porn on Google.

Now Sri Lankan adolescents are seriously into pornography, thanks to the internet and the social media. On one hand, they are busy at making homemade porn videos to threat their classmates.On the other hand, the social media is faking the intimacy and love (we are witnessing the consequences).

Our sexual education is some kind of a joke that our system offer to satisfy itself. The government doesn’t offer any kind of awareness programs or rehabilitating centres in order to prevent them from this predatory industry. It’s time for us to seriously think about the alternatives as a civilianized society. This has to be argued and reviewed by our intellectuals because the freedom and liberty can be given to a society only by its intellectuals not by the politicians as Plato said.




Empire of Illusion by Chris  Hedges 
Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality by Gail Dines
Pornography: Men Possessing Women by Andrea Dworkin.




Farhan Wahab

Farhan is a Blogger and Human Right Activist. His ambition was to become a filmmaker. After realising the fact that he was a bad storyteller, he writes articles. His articles mostly focus on current affairs related to politics and culture. Farhan is a lover of art and literature, and he admires the works of Milan Kundera, Charles Bukowski, Noam Chomsky and Tariq Ali. In spite of his hedonistic convictions, he politically identifies himself as a lefty.

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