
April 25, 2024

Answer me!
Where would you go?,
when the very life you chase,
Suddenly… betrayed you?

On the roads you used to run on,
now you can’t take a step.
The hospital bed is your home now,
The window; your eyes to the world.

Can’t you see it yet?
The time you’ve been breathing
is catching up to you.

I hope somewhere down the life
you led,
You found your meaning
of success.

And if you didn’t, just tell yourself
It’s okay.
It’s alright..

What more can you say,

Hasna Naushad

Hasna wishes for her work to speak for itself and forever yearns to leave her readers adrift in a sea of diverse perspectives at the end of her tales. From the grief that catches at your throat, to the adrenaline rush in your fingers, Hasna hopes her writing is found by anyone who is willing to read her blood, sweat and tears.

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