One night…

October 25, 2022

Snow capped purple mountains I see,
Whispering a melody for me to feel.
The fresh perfumery scent of the Fraser Fir,
soothe my lungs in fragment fresh air.
Sun dips beyond the hazy mountain range;
glow of the rising moon doth search to spot him or me?
I lay unable to move my limbs,
watching the beauty, O! So serene.
I see, but my eyes search for a figure,
Through the cracks of the wooden blind.
Listen, I listen for familiar footsteps…..
of him, the one I love.

He has to shovel the snow away;
for wheels to move on roads far away.
The wage he earns on freezing icy cold days,
wins us our bites, day to day.

My love cannot rest his arms at home,
but his lips will rest on mine to make me warm and whole.
He will crease my hair, hold me tight, he is so
happy to see I breathe tonight. I wonder why?
He is so late. Me not selfish, I pledge;
but deep love for him forever and always.

I don’t want to go, I need to stay.
Give my body life, to give him a spare day.
Night is creeping in, my vision so haze;
I stare and gaze. A sliver beam of moonlight:
sparkle on the blue white snow,
playing groovy patterns to disturb my show.

My tired eyes glimpse the lantern swing:
his poor feet, heavy with snow. He rushes in:
throw a log, to keep the fire to warm our home.
He kneels beside me, and raises me in his arms:
cradle me in snow perfumed charm. He whispers,
words of love in the moonlit room.
My arms limp, paralysed.

A man embraced in love, humble charisma he has,
make a bath for me to be bathed. He carries me,
baby in arms: bathes his love in the warm bath.
We no lavish foam and spa: a cake of soap;
for us to share. Patterns play on my frail body,
O! Alas. He tends me like rose about to bloom,
gaze at me so loving and true. I smile, giggle:
kiss me on my lips; I say “I love you……”
“cherish with my sweet love”.

His love is honest, pure depth in his heart.
Never a lie; behold me with passion and love.
I hear him splash water to clean himself,
old attire he will dress. A warm cup of soup;
he doth spoon, and say his hard work; he happily did.
Tears swell, and blot my cheeks; unconditional love for him.
He will kiss my tears away with tender love.
My thoughts race here and there;
what if my love wasn’t there?
He feels why should he? It wasn’t;
The fall was an accident: on the mountain range.
I couldn’t grip his strong hand for once!
I slid down until I damaged my bones.
Soon, I will stand up, and give you faith;
Be the girl, to swell your dreams one day.
He will sing to me to cheer me up and,
will mummer you are; “my beautiful love”

The smouldering remains of the fire; the embers glow:
giving warmth and a shimmering glow.
He and I cuddle under the duvet we sleep: my
motionless body he will crease; glorious love
I do feel. A tender touch not craving for lust;
pure love and priceless trust. He gives me confidence
day by day; life for me for another day.

He turns me with a pillow to rest my back;
I see his face by the dancing embers
of the fireplace. Tonight I see tired wrinkles
On his face, and unshaved silver hair to say his age.
His strong arm round me; so close to his chest;
I feel his heartbeat. I only feel I can not touch,
and we are bound in superlative love. Come back me…..
I utter the words. He lovingly looks at me, and say;
“You are safe with me” and hug me tight.

I picture the wilderness on the tragic day.
Snow had melted and, cold spring water gushing away.
Wildflowers and tiny creepers tangle paths with gay.
We rambled along crazily hand in hand…..
Joy and happiness bubbling with life;
stepping on colourful pebbles of gushing streams,
tiny fish hiding when we splash our feet.

Snacks we brought were enough for us, and the fish.
They enjoyed as much as we did. Few trudges away,
the mountain climb. Bathed with shadows,
snow melting down. We ran with excitement:
in hast to climb, and reach the top before twilight dawn.
Dancing, and chambered in profuse love;
jogged along until tragedy struck.

I shivered and jerked and suddenly did turn in his arm.
He felt my turn, and did wake up!
You can! He cried cradling me;
Hugging me tight and kissing me.
I said, I promised you,
I will stand near the cottage door one day.
He laid me; held my arm tight;
“I love you, tonight we achieved”

Protected within his strong arms:
I slept, blessing him in my dreams.

Yasomie Peiris

Yasomie Peiris calls herself a Dreamer who loves to pen her dreams in a creative manner. She has been writing poetry, short stories and quotes and has an unpublished collection. She is very good at drawing and pencil sketches. She is an accountant and Confidential Secretary by profession and left service many years ago and decided to enjoy life as a homemaker. Yasomie was a member of the Leo Club of Battaramulla and won many local and international awards for social service performance.

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