Night Light – A Mother’s Ode to Her Baby

January 25, 2025

In the wee hours of the night
The yellow light sweeps across your face
As I caress you back to clouds of dreams
And shush your fuss and fright away
You burrow more deeply in my embrace

My eyes are heavy with sleep
Every inch drags with a dull ache
Fourth month sleep regression has hit us
With less than 3 hours of sleep in a day
How is it possible some would say

The clock keeps ticking away
Pearls of sweat line above my lip
I sway you back and forth
You open your eyes just so
And I reassure you with my presence
As you happily drift into a cycle

But you are startled every hour
I am baffled by your power
Many before us, and many after us
Will battle this extraordinary feat
Oh your dear mother is a walking zombie
And the urge to give up does get stronger
But every hour she shall still repeat
Nurse, rock, pat and hum
Praying you close your eyes just a tad bit longer

Aakriti Kohli

Aakriti Kohli holds a PhD in Media Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. She currently teaches at the University of Delhi and is interested in digital cultures, gender and technology. She is also a first time mother of a sonny boy and inspired by her new role, has begun writing poems and short fiction

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