Editor’s Note – Multiplicity Of Voices

January 25, 2019

FemAsia steps into a brand new year spreading its wings, soaring the sky, reaching new heights!

We, at FemAsia, are really excited and committed to bringing more intense and thought-provoking content this year.

I take this opportunity to thank our readers across the world, for the time you have invested in reading and spreading what we write.

I also extend our gratitude to our contributors for their fiction and features, in which they have showcased some long-neglected and unspoken themes. I am indebted to the Editorial Team, for their tremendous support since the instigation of the journal.

We started FemAsia to create an alternative to the narrow, stereotyped magazines aimed at unrealistic and gender-biased portrayals of women.

We at FemAsia wanted to articulate our voice in the arenas of politics, culture, social justice and identity. Paving the way for the marginalised and ethnic minorities to raise their voice, FemAsia Magazine has succeeded in touching lives and creating awareness.

As we all know, mass media plays a unique and significant role in shaping the opinion of society. Change is only possible through a change of thoughts and attitudes.

“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.”
― Noam Chomsky

This magazine provides the platform for a multiplicity of voices to be heard. We believe in multiple stories rather than one dominant story.

However, we take special care that the magazine should not be a platform to promote ideas and beliefs which induce hatred or obscenity or incite harassment.

The Editorial Team of FemAsia, which consists of diverse individuals who are specialists in their respective fields related to New Media and Journalism, always ensures freedom of expression.

We practise freedom of expression. An opinion piece is an article published in the magazine that reflects the author’s opinion about the subject. The writer holds these opinions, and they do not necessarily conform to the editors’ personal views on the subject. Instead, they reflect that the magazine allows space for diverse opinion.

Opinion pieces are not censured
If someone has a counter opinion, we are pleased to publish in FemAsia if it meets our criteria. FemAsia at all times respects the freedom of expression of its contributors and is open for dialogue and constructive criticism.

 We are looking forward to hearing from all of you!!!

Engage Inspire and Share!

Shameela Yoosuf Ali

Shameela, the Editor-In-Chief of FemAsia, is an artivist and PhD researcher in Media and Cultural Studies.. Now residing in England, she carries a deep nostalgia for her homeland, Sri Lanka, which echoes through her writing and Art. Through her research and creative work, she explores the intersections of art, identity, and activism, shedding light on underrepresented voices.

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