Mother Has Lost Her Tongue

October 25, 2019



I do no more comprehend the language of this nation
For our mother’s tongue tastes soured
Fretful rapacity of our fathers has sullied her glory with avarice
The tongue of love has been besmirched by despise
The tongue of war besieged by bloodthirstiness
Voicing inflammatory homilies and diatribes
That divvy us up into unfriendly partitions
The colour of harmony reddened by blood of her soldiers
Our tongue tastes soured

For my mother’s tongue has been infiltrated
With the liquorice of mendacity
Heavy to mention the names of warriors
Who fall as sacrificial lambs
In altar of her prideful negligence
It cannot wail for the faces of this soldiers wearing the muddy makeup
It can only spit for a shallow grave to hide their dreams

mother has lost her warmth language
For the shepherd care less for the herds
Mother has lost her tongue
She can no more weep for her star
Evicted from their space before their rent was due
She cannot name again her suns
Who warmed her with safety
Who bath her clean with their sweat

Mother has lost her tongue
No speech for her sons
The flag smiling high in mockery
With blood staining her face
Mother blows her own horn of the technically defeated boys
Who use their fathers’ manhood as a playing dice




Josekelly Kelechi Anyanwu

Josekelly Kelechi Anyanwu is a young Nigerian poet, who laments over the ramshackle of African society with his faith anchored on the fact that the lost glory can only be reclaimed with the POWER OF WORDS. He is a master degree student of human resources in the University of Calabar Nigeria.

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