Love not Lost

April 25, 2023




I sit and stare off into the void.
Wrapped in inky blackness,
the sky’s many twinkling stars keep a wary eye on me,
I can feel it.

My thoughts play a song;
notes of an old song,
from a time far, long ago,
telling a story that was destined to happen
in ways it wasn’t meant to.
A tale composed by two with such bravado,
safe in the knowledge
that it would not leave a scar or a mark
that would endure forever.

This mark is not a scar,
but rather like carvings on a stone
etched by an ardent sculptor
who stamped each word with such care,
entwined with pain and passion,
that it weighs heavily with so much love.
It hurts;
it heals.

Amidst the twinkling stars,
on a starry, starry night
we pledged our undying loyalty to one another with a vow.
Blood was spilled to seal this bond.
No we did not cut through the skin
but when our lips touched we bit.
The blood mingling with saliva-
the vow of the souls that met in a realm before that of the humans.
Then, now and forever.

It is meant to last
till the last one
let their last breath out
while the other waited patiently in their grave,
To continue their journey beyond.

We painted a priceless picture
with the hues
of our fond recollections,
of our adventures
remembering each detail
with Da Vinci’s meticulous care.
Yet, careless and impulsive, too
like Van Gogh.

We shaped memories with innocent wonder.
Like children building castles in the mud.
With the naive belief
that even if it was a murky madness, it was still beautiful.
Glorious in its muddy magnificence.
The waves would eventually wash it all away,
we knew,
we knew that the waves would consume everything,
transforming it all back into sand,
and that this is what we would continue to be.
For we are dust, and to dust we shall return.

When everything that had been
so punctiliously planned
finally fell apart,
we would watch it together
and marvel at the mayhem and
the beauty chaos carried;
A Mozartish moment-
Hand in hand,
watching it all wash away
knowing that this is

A love that,
in the grand scheme of things,
was doomed.
Yet, this is a love
that is destined to last,
throughout all of time,
just between us.
A beautiful chaos.

I look into the far west
where the sun slowly slides into slumber.
I watch the sky bleed into shades of crimson;
‘the red tinges the tear that dared to peek out of my eyes.
My heart may be heavy,
Yet a smile always brightens my face
Because I am a soul, so blessed
Who’s known a love
that is truly selfless and pure,
the kind that makes you feel at ease enough
to tear off the masks,
to be unguarded
to be naked
and vulnerable.
A love that lets you be.





Fazmina Imamudeen

Fazmina Imamudeen is an educator who is passionate about reading anything from a book to a painting to music to moving pictures. She is reading for her Masters in Teaching Literature. Exploring stories that need not have an answer but acknowledgement is what she finds essential.

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