Liquid Stars

January 25, 2025

A Tanka Sequence

all day & all night
to God
never questioning why
cancer invaded my life

until the doctor
tells me what stage cancer
i have, my fears
will hang like dewdrops
on a bleeding heart

pale gray clouds
across the morning star
i gather
strength & courage
for my first chemo

wishing my mother
was here to hold my hand
during treatments
from beyond life
i can feel her blessing

after chemo
getting thinner & thinner
my body
its shadow
fading on the wall

hair falling out
in clumps in my brush
on the floor
like petals
of a dying lotus

cancer is merely
a detour in life . . .
walking down
a nameless road
i stop & pick wild violets

no way off
this cancer journey
i set sail
into the blue batik sky
& glide without wings

autumn leaves
shedding into the misty day
slowly, slowly
my hair
growing back

who will rebuild
the ruins of my heart
after cancer?
i scoop up liquid stars
& drink them

Pamela A.Babusci

Pamela A. Babusci is an internationally award-winning haiku/tanka poet and haiga artist. Some of her awards include the Museum of Haiku Literature Award and the First Place Mount Fuji Tanka Contest (Japan). Her cover art has graced the books of Full Moon Tide, The Best of Tanka Splendor Awards, Taboo Haiku, Take Five: Best Contemporary TankaVol.1, The Delicate Dance of Wings, Chasing the Sun: selected haiku from HNA 2007 and moonbathing: a journal of women' s tanka. Pamela's haiga have been featured here at Haigaonline, and on The Haiku Foundation, Simply Haiku, Frameless Sky and numerous haiku and tanka journals.

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