In The Name Of Blasphemy

April 25, 2021



It was her first day in the new office after being appointed as Deputy Commissioner. A critical district was assigned to her, with all new people well-articulated rather over-articulated both politically and religiously. It was the first time that a female was assigned the post of deputy commissioner to this district. Earlier she served in different portfolios at headquarter yet it was her first experience in the office of a deputy commissioner where she felt more empowered yet unaware of the system’s cruelty and the challenges ahead waiting for her.

She looked at the wall clock; it was 10:45 (AM). The intercom bell started ringing. She picked up the receiver of the intercom, Hmm…. Alright! Wait for 10 minutes let me see the file first. She put back the receiver of the intercom.

10:55 (AM), she looked at the wall clock while turning the pages of the file.

Knock! Knock! The door opens slightly, that was her secretary.

May I come in Ma’am? Secretary asked for permission

Yes, you may come. She replied

The secretary looks a bit troubled, “Ma’am initially it was only Mufti Sb (Grand Clergyman), now it’s like a delegation, as some other Moulanas (Clergymen) of the same seminary has joined him and they all want to see you”. He portrayed an outside situation.

How many they are in total. She inquired

They are five (05) ma’am.

Alright, let them come in. and yes arrange some tea for them.

After a while, five people in fine turbans and gowns entered the chamber, Aslam o Alekom! Please Here! She greeted them all and guided them to sit on couches and left her table to join them for more interactive conversation.

Madam Deputy Commissioner, we have come here with a request and hope you would not disappoint us.

Yes! I have seen your file. You want to annex the plot besides the mosque to your seminary.

Yes Ma’am, the grand clergyman intervened, and for this, we shall remain thankful to you and you shall certainly get the reward from almighty for this holy cause.

Well as you know I have just joined this office today; let me check the related annals and I shall try my best to do something for you in this regard. You just give me a few days so that I can look into this matter. Please take your tea, She replied in formal manners as per official protocols while indicating to the cups which have been placed by the attendant on the table, meanwhile.

After this the delegation left, she called upon her secretary and asked him to provide all records related to their application so that she can see what she can do.

The other day the secretary brought all related annals, “Ma’am here is the record you asked, he looked troubled and terrified, Ma’am may I tell you something. She looked at his terrified face and said, “First you tell me why you are so worried”. Ma’am!!!, the secretary felt all words stuck into his throat, collecting some audacity he said: “ Yes Ma’am that’s exactly what I want to share with you.”

Actually, the delegation of the seminary came yesterday, he showed some concern, they have a record of hate speeches and sectarian violence, and more importantly, they are highly influential that no one could ever dare refuse them. The land they want to annex with the seminary, he further explained, belongs to Fisheries Department, and ma’am as per the approved PC-1, the department shall build their Research and breeding hatchery. Moreover, the mosque there is also built on the grabbed land. I am afraid as you are new to this business and our system is so cruel for righteous persons.

She examined all the records and found everything the same as explained by the secretary. Alright, she looked at her secretary, I will handle the situation when they come, and you don’t worry.

After Few Days

It was 3:00 (PM), she was feeling tired and stressed after holding meetings with heads of subordinate departments. It was really a hectic day.

The intercom bell started ringing, Yes!…. Hmmm.. she picked up the phone and said, alright, wait for few minutes I am too tired to hold any further meeting. And yes! please arrange some coffee for me.

A few minutes later the attendant brought a cup of coffee to her. Ma’am! Mufti Sb has come with other Moulanas and today a few Students of the seminary are also accompanied with them. The Attendant portrayed the outside scene.

A Few minutes later she called upon the secretary and asked him to let the delegation come in but only Mufti Sb and other Moulanas. Hold the students out there.

The Mufti along with other Moulanas entered in the office, Asalam o Alekom, Please Sit, while sitting on her own seat, she offered them to sit on chairs placed around her Executive Office Table.

Mufti Sb, I have gone through all the related document and available official record, Before they say something she started talking, the plot besides the Mosque, you want to annex to your seminary belongs to Fisheries Department and in the future, they have planned to build a research and breeding hatchery there. Since the land belongs to a Government Department and not a wasted land of Govt. I really can do anything to let this allot to your seminary.

But you have wholly solely powers of the district, Mufti Sb replied insistently, how come you can’t allot this to us. Actually, you don’t want to allot this to our seminary.

Please! Try to understand I am bound by some rules and regulations.

We shall not leave this office even if we have to have a sit-in here until you allot this land to our seminary. The Moulanas accompanied by Mufti Sb, Started yelling at her.

This is not the way Mufti Sb, I told you it’s not possible for me. Please don’t push me into an odd situation so that I need to call the police.

The old one among other clergymen stood up and said to her, Bibi (Lady) if you don’t want to allot this land to us, it’s alright but this doesn’t mean that we shall tolerate the blasphemy you are committing.

What you just said, Blasphemy? Her eyes went wide open in shock

But when did I commit blasphemy? Are you out of your mind? She replied being shocked and nervous.

But think for a while if I would say this to my students standing outside or even to my followers, would they listen to you or me? Said the Mufti Sb with a queering smirk on his face.

She felt sweating forehead and heart throbbing inside her chest since she was not expecting that much meanness from the people who owe a religious identity. Her mind recalled recent lynching events. That university student, how he was brutally killed by his university fellows, the Hindu temple in other districts which was grounded, and even the people of other sects who were accused of blasphemy only for being slightly different in practices. She was annoyingly surprised, while coping with her anger she was trying to figure out what she should do?

Ali Nawaz! She called the secretary with a shout instead of calling him on the intercom.

Yes Ma’am! The secretary asked while rushing into the office, panting heavily, What Happened?

Bring their application to my table, she said the secretary brought the application and placed it on her table. She wrote some note on it and extends her hand to Mufti Sb

Here is your application Mufti Sb, she extended her hand to the mufti, I have put my forward note to the head of the fisheries department for consideration if they wish to surrender this land for your seminary. And you know why our religion is maligned all over the globe? She said with utter spitefulness, not because of its theological standing but because of goons like you, hiding behind their beard face, fine turban, and gown. You may leave now.

Her heart was aching inside her chest with mind-blowing stunned in surprise since it was the first time in her life that she has gone through such an experience and witnessing how exactly the sense of blasphemy is manipulated in some businesses.

(Note: This is a short story based on a real event that portrays how the sense of Blasphemy is manipulated in our country that even high-ranked government officials are easily blackmailed by the clergy.)



Aamir Habib

From a small town of Khairpur living with a mother, sisters, wife and beautiful little daughter, Aamir Habib Soomro is a former Teacher, Trainer, & Development Professional. A part-time writer, Poet and Public Speaker, currently working as full-time Administrative Superintendent in a Mehran UET, Shaheed Z.A. Bhutto Campus Khairpur, Sindh Pakistan.

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