Inspired by Ada Limon
Swell like a river.
Expand as if your skin isn’t impressive enough already.
Pure expression of the body and soul should never be anemic.
Don’t tally your uncertainties, showcase your fears
like a movie on repeat. Your skin folds aren’t hiding places,
you don’t need to hide – we need to stop hiding.
Un-earth your trauma. Yank it out from the roots,
holding its vile existence in your hands. Raise it like a flag
of victory. Wars have been waged on us long before our birth.
Our bodies have yet endured and thrived.
Do not feed your ordeals.
Some things should never be planted and cared for, for life.
Not everything needs to take root and survive.
The only story to broadcast is one of your tenacity.
Let your breath be anise, your tongue coriaceous
and bold in texture and expression when you speak.
Move through the world wearing your body as your armour.
Smooth, thick, taut.
Polished, unpierceable, unyielding.