
April 25, 2024

I long for a home that never was– Hiraeth
Here I am again with a glass shard in hand
Wishing to walk on a painless path
At the end of this torturous road lies a home. Right? Her voice in me says
His shoe crushing your ribs will lead to a path of eternal bliss. Where your eyes won’t see his rage and their blood Where your ears won’t hear their heinous words
Where your hands don’t long to scar you
I wish for a place of eternal bliss so I ask her voice
At the end of this torturous road lies a home. Right? Her voice in me says
Him cracking your skull open will lead to eternal tranquillity. Where you won’t have needles in your throat.
Where your pen won’t bleed words of carnage.
Where you can smile without slitting your mouth.
I long for a place of eternal tranquillity so I ask her voice At the end of this torturous road lies a home right?
Her voice says
Him dragging you by your hair will lead to a place of love Where your hands won’t crave to dig your heart out. Where your lungs won’t wish to breathe breathless air. Where your skin won’t thirst for a gentle touch.

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