Editor’s Note – She Transforms Technology

April 25, 2021



I believe in empowerment and specifically female empowerment. 

Despite the progress in women empowerment over the years, women find themselves unable to own their voice across the world. This is because/the discriminatory laws and social norms remain unchanged even today.

On the other hand, digital technology is shaping our world and radically transforming every aspect of human life.

I think ‘Digital Empowerment’ has opened a new horizon for the silenced voices, the underrepresented and the marginalised. As our digital world grows, individuals and communities’ empowerment increases as people gain new skills and ways to participate and express themselves in a networked society.

The possibilities and resources the digital world can bring are infinite.

But, then more than half of the global female population still have no access to the internet. Around the globe, women have less access to the internet than men, and the digital divide is not a joke anymore.

In 2020, World Pulse -An independent women-led social network for social change and 27 coalition partners, ran the #SheTransformsTech campaign. The aim is to inform a new ‘global tech agenda’ that enables women’s leadership.  World Pulse rallied the voices of grassroots women leaders across the globe to gather their recommendations on key technology issues and opportunities. I had the honour to be part of it.

Approximately 416 women and nonbinary individuals from 54 countries responded to the survey. In addition, more than 130 crowdsourced stories were gathered from 27 countries addressing the transformative power of technology to bring about a more equitable world. 

The Worldpulse, The #SheTransformsTech report is the culmination of the year-long campaign. It includes data-driven insights, personal narratives, and visionary solutions from women and gender-diverse individuals from more than 60 countries.

In their own words, stories are narrated from women on how they utilise tech for good and how tech can do better to support women’s leadership. Discussing the obstacles and concerns that restrict women’s ability to benefit from technology fully, #SheTransformsTech presents solutions for a way forward.

“In this report, you will read the unheard voices and powerful perspectives of women and gender-diverse individuals from across the world.” 

World Pulse Founder and CEO Jensine Larsen.


This report is launched at a crucial time and would be highly resourceful for women leaders, policymakers and activists, and academic personal.

Key findings are categorised under the following themes

♣ Transforming Lives

♣ Women’s Digital Empowerment

♣ Technology Concerns And Priorities

♣ Technology Access And Use

♣ Digital Safety


The full report highlights women using digital tools to create a more fair and just world and encourage others to do the same. In the report, the area focused on Women’s Digital Empowerment particularly drew my attention. The report emphasises how technology enables women to raise their voices, gain access to resources, and connect with others, all of which have contributed to their empowerment. 91.1% of the survey respondents have stated the technology has made a positive impact on their lives.

They also reported feeling empowered when they exercise their voice online, including in telling their own stories, sharing information, expressing themselves through creative writing or other artistic expressions, and engaging in advocacy on behalf of themselves and/or others.

Here’s a sneak peek into  World Pulse’s SheTransformsTech Report.


Women’s Digital Empowerment



♠  Telling Their Stories

“I feel empowered when I raise my voice through writing stories and sharing my thoughts. It makes me feel relieved of the pain that I’ve been keeping and I can help others by encouraging them to continue hoping, whatever battle they are facing. Technology transformed me by having the courage to speak up for what isright and I also encourage others to do so.”

– Survey Respondent, Malaysia


♠  Sharing Information

“I used the internet through social media to stop stigma in regards to HIV and violence against widows in my community. The experience makes me feel good because through technology like WhatsApp we are able to create groups and we share crucial information in those forums.”

– Survey Respondent, Kenya


♠  Expressing Themselves Creatively

“My blogging days from ages of 18-20 were certainly one of my most empowering experiences. I created a blog on eBlogger, and wrote articles, stories, opinions, poetry, short stories etc. for nearly 3 years. Technology helped me connect with fellow bloggers, helped me read their work, learn and receive critical feedback on my writing, and helped me feel comfortable and committed to the blogging community. This was entirely possible due to technology. I felt empowered, connected, and gained clarity on the next steps I needed to take for building my career and my passion.”

– Survey Respondent, India


♠ Engaging In Advocacy

“I felt empowered when I made a news story of someone and record[ed] it as a video. I published it on my news web and newspaper to [encourage leaders to make changes that would benefit my community.] This made me feel strong — that I need to continue fighting for my community especially women that need more support. I try to say we are strong as women and need to participate in every domain, especially political decisions.”

– Survey Respondent, Sudan




Enhanced Skills 

“I learned a credible tech skill on the internet. this gave me much confidence in my work, and i was able to tackle more supposedly difficult tasks.”

– survey respondent, Nigeria 


♠  Secured Financial Resources 

“Setting up my own investment plan online. It made me feel like I was in control of my own future. Like I had finally ‘hacked’ how to invest.”

– Survey Respondent, Norway


♠  Gained Opportunities 

“The transformation I have had from technology cannot be underestimated. Through my constant use of technology, I have been exposed to opportunities that are rare to come across in my community. I have been able to travel to three countries in six months because of my consistency in using technology. I have gained opportunities that will not only transform me but will transform my career and other women. I am able to organize internet empowerment trainings for other sisters who learn and also become transformed.”

– Survey Respondent, Cameroon




♠  Establishing And Maintaining Relationships

“I think the real value of social media is that you can stay in touch from moment to moment with the people who really matter to you. Social media lets you share experiences and information; it gets people and ideas in touch instantly, without frontiers. Camaraderie, friendship, and solidarity.”

– Mahima Rathore, India


Gaining Support

“I was part of a Facebook group that supported women that were in abusive relationships. I shared my story and was able to connect with other women that had experienced the same things and had gotten through it. In turn, when I was better and returning to put myself back together, I was then there to help others going through it. It was freeing, empowering, and it felt good to help other women.”

– Survey Respondent, United States


Expanding Networks

“Yesterday I was involved in the Ethical Hour UK Twitter chat and connected with many fairtrade pioneers elevating gender equality and women’s empowerment around the world. The hashtag for this year’s Fairtrade Foundation UK campaign was #SheDeserves highlighting the work of female cocoa farmers who grow the cocoa for the chocolate we eat. I felt acknowledged, recognised, and appreciated. As [a] female Muslim social entrepreneur I feel I am ignored and my opinions [are] dismissed because of racial hierarchy. I want to change the narrative and be a voice of change for millions of fairtrade farmers, artisans, and workers.”

– Survey Respondent, United Arab Emirates



Transforming Lives


Making Personal Decisions

♠  Advancing Their Career

“I  have used it to improve my professional career, improve my income, and also to meet more people. i currently work in an ngo in data and technology where we create tools to improve transparency and business accountability with a human rights perspective.”

– Survey respondent, Mexico


♠  Expanding Their Businesses

“as a new small business owner (former corporate executive), I personally have recently learned how to build a website, graphic design, mailchimp, skill-building software, new apps for dictations/ translation/projects, etc. it makes anything possible & generally more efficient.”

– Survey respondent, United States


♠  Living Independently

“ I have smart lights at my place and that helps a lot when i arrive at night carrying many things in my hands. i can turn on the lights using my voice. that helps a lot when you are a woman living by yourself.”

– Survey respondent, Mexico



Top actions to take identified by participants include more digital skills training, more women in decision-making in technology, more robust laws against online harassment and abuse,  more women in decision-making in government, and more women digital teachers and trainers, among others. 

Digital technology is contributing to accelerate Women’s Empowerment. So let us try to make technology accessible and safe for women. 

You can read the full report here  SheTransformsTech- World Pulse





Shameela Yoosuf Ali

Shameela, the Editor-In-Chief of FemAsia, is an artivist and PhD researcher in Media and Cultural Studies.. Now residing in England, she carries a deep nostalgia for her homeland, Sri Lanka, which echoes through her writing and Art. Through her research and creative work, she explores the intersections of art, identity, and activism, shedding light on underrepresented voices.

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