
January 15, 2018



traitorous grey
shameful need to pretend anti aging.

Plucking, dilapidating; dyeing, dying.

Betrayal of knees, hands, feet, neck (knees!)

circled & magnified, almost expired 
— quick sale!

The male body needing no such revision.
His landscape a shameless prairie
defining horizons, bristling grass —




Michele Seminara

Michele Seminara is a Poet, Editor and Yoga Teacher from Sydney.
Her writing has appeared in many online and print publications, and she has published poetry collection Engraft (Island Press, 2016) and a collaborative Chapbook, Scar to Scar, written with Robbie Coburn (PressPress 2016).
Michele is also the Managing Editor of online creative arts journal Verity La.

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Who Is (Not) The Faceless Veiled Woman?

In my first article in FemAsia, on 15th January 2018,

Grand Mammaries

My grandma was the first woman to be