Will Mayo

Will Mayo lives in one of the most haunted towns of the United States of America with his six-toed cat Velvet and a couple of rooms of mostly unread books. He currently has two books available on Amazon. One is Hoodoo Voodoo and the other is Dreams Of Mongolia. He hopes you enjoy the read.

Two Tales

Cousin Freddie I’ve spoken often of the black sheep I know (if anybody is the black sheep of their family, I surely am) but let me devote some time here to one of the good eggs. Let me mention


Ernie is another one of those characters that I knew over the years here in Frederick. It happened that he was stuck in New York City during his teenage years on a trip from his native Europe when World War One broke

Bavarian Inn

In Shepherdstown, West Virginia, over on the side of a mountain, overlooking the roaring waters of a river below and just beyond the meeting of three states in my country, there stands a restaurant serving traditional German dishes with German