Vineeta Sharma

Dr Vineeta Sharma is an Associate Professor in Economics, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi. In addition, she is an academic researcher. Apart from published research articles in Economics, she has contributed poems and short stories to reputed magazines. She is based in New Delhi, India.


As she sat down and spread outthe old picture album,all the moments and kinfolkslivened up around herwith all those smiles and tearsand those hugs and gigglesthose partings and unionswhirling around herin a cloud of smokeand faint echoes from afar.Like how she beheld

The Bonsai

The Bonsai She opened the shining gift wrap And delighted she was to find that exotic bonsai. The beautiful tree so carefully tamed to be dwarfed with gentle love that it was contented inhibited. Excited, she asked friends and the internet some

The Four Walls

Springing up from the ink of the lifeless lines sketched on the architect’s map the four walls started growing swiftly. Layer upon layer of bricks and mortar kept tearing the open into an inside and an outside. Strong they stood