Vasika Udurawane

Currently a third year English special student at the University of Peradeniya, Vasika describes himself as the least productive writer he knows as his output has always been rather small. He also enjoys drawing and movies, particularly anything to do with horror, sci-fi and the supernatural and is currently working on a new portfolio of black and white ink artworks.

Amma Budu Wewa

Wish blesséd nirvana upon me one day for my nine-month pains, for Turning my blood to milk as the poets and scholars have often droned… perhaps also wish enlightenment one day, my son! I am after all, no real blessing to
October 25, 2018


“I miss those simple times” but maybe We lived through a mere interim False hope Prayed for healing rains on our dreamy heads not ashfalls among the dead. Oh “I miss those simple times” but don’t you remember? Our foundations, our hopes
April 30, 2018