Umar Nizarudeen

Umar Nizarudeen is with the University of Calicut, India. He has a PhD in Bhakti Studies from the Centre for English Studies in JNU, New Delhi. His poems have been published in Vayavya, Muse India, Culture Cafe Journal of the British Library, Ibex Press Year's Best Selection, and also broadcast by the All India Radio.

The Afghans

The Afghans Did not rape her or slit her breasts You did Still, you blame the Afghans And the Afghans Did not with iron rods, impale her You did Still, you blame the Afghans The Afghans did not push stones

Régis Debray

The thought of Régis Debray Is not for everyone you know Well, it’s complicated, Each thought setting off Trajectories multiple, Prancing, forward Régis Debray! we who are about to die Salute thee, in the face of Torture, death, impalement, castration The