Nandita de Souza
Nandita de Souza is a developmental and behavioural paediatrician, whose raison d'etre is children and all who care for them. She is the Director of the Sethu Centre for Child Development & Family Guidance in Goa, a multidisciplinary facility that offers family-centred care for a range of developmental, behavioural and learning challenges. In addition to her medical role, Dr Nandita calls herself an ADHDvocate. After being diagnosed with ADHD at the tender age of 60 years, she is on a mission to spread awareness about the condition and change the picture of doom and gloom that often surrounds ADHD. Nandita continually seeks to understand and ignite the extraordinary power of ordinary human beings. The children at Sethu ensure that her mind is kept sharp and her learning adventure never ends.