Kathryn Yuen

Just as her collagen and elastin stores started dwindling, Kathryn became a wordsmith, actor, and comedian. While her TV acting debut garnered an Australian Equity award nomination, and she also placed 2nd in a national poetry competition, her family think nothing of these achievements. She used to tell her children that they were required to do chores as she had relinquished her super-and-witchypoo-powers to become a mortal mummy.

A Little Bit Of Heart

His budget-conscious ma-ma used to make him fill-up on a steamed pork or chicken bun before going to an extended family yum cha luncheon So he never really developed an honest appreciation for the more gourmet seafood dumpling. And though he

Bus Trip

A Monologue About A Ghost & Groundhog Day I never got around to getting a driving license, having my own car. (Pauses, as if sorry). My parents were a little too high strung to teach me. My boyfriend at the time, who always