J. Marahuyo

J. Marahuyo is a Filipino-Australian emerging poet currently residing on Dharug country. She explores themes of identity, mental health and the power of vulnerability. Her debut collection 4:37am; crying gorgeously will launch in early 2025, WestWords Books. Her work can be found in Cordite Poetry Review, in ZineWest and features in numerous anthologies. When she’s not writing she is pspsp-ing cats, or getting on the wrong train.

Flame Bowerbird

I amthe bowerbird of flameentranced by the rainforest almost indecent, you see beyond skindeeper than marrowdeeper in ghost laway strings let me nestle in your lung’s capillariestuck me in to your grey matter,I’ll make myself at home drink deepfrom the pulse of

You Don’t Look Filo

If I’m honest, I downplayed my beauty as generic asian features to try and dissipate some confused expressions at a spin-the-winebag-on-the-Hills-Hoist-party If I’m honest, I have goldfish lips and matching protruding eyes. I see men wave with zealous shouts of nihao and I always

Infinite Blue Candies and Eyeballs

Panoptes:  Mother with her gilded champagne hair, seemingly infinite blue eyeballs, needed no cameras, not when she had a real time feed from her many plucked out eyes discreetly hidden in immaculate room top corners, in any book that had o’s  and