David & Ignatius

David Allen Sullivan is a former Santa Cruz County poet laureate. His works include Strong-Armed Angels, Every Seed of the Pomegranate, and translations like Bombs Have Not Breakfasted Yet. He teaches at Cabrillo College, edits the Porter Gulch Review, and has a forthcoming book, Seed Shell Ash. Ignatius Valentine Aloysius earned his MFA from Northwestern University. He authored Fishhead. Republic of Want and curates Sunday Salon Chicago. On Ragdale Foundation's Board, he is developing new literary works, including a poetry collection and speculative novel. He resides in Evanston, IL..

Men are Weeping Everywhere

Scrape your ears until the music stings.David Allen Sullivan Toughness is all the muscle proof we need to weaken a storm. Ignatius Valentine Aloysius Stupid! says the boy thrashing the hedge with a stick. Stupid! Thwack. Stupid! Thwack. He can’t see what