
Ayesha Perveen is an assistant professor at the Virtual University of Pakistan. She loves to unearth rhythm in her surroundings, which though not absent, is simply invisible to many around. Ayesha believes life is poetry; we do not write it; either we live it or bury it alive.

Thank You Gentleman

Today, in a meetingOne of my colleaguesWas euphemistic ofHer non-diplomacy; initiallyI was astounded, awestruck!With the flatteryBut it was no puffery.The expression came naturally.Not being euphemistic,The kudos was for a fighter,In a society whereWomen are harassedBy raping gazeAs a sex toy, andThe only

An Artist’s Burden

Paint the present With past radiant Preserve the glory With pen or brush Glorious, undefiled by the Proliferation of technology Of post-agrarian times…. Down the lane of memory Revisit, recapture and Resuscitate beauty Live present by celebrating past An anchor to


I am in a transcendental trance Of transmutation To transnationalism From nationalism To translatability of cultures And translanguaging! From monolingualism To transhistoricity From historical binaries To transmission of the viruses Of love for humanity! To emancipation From translucent biases To


How my heart beats With the throbs of Lahore! How the beloved streets Embrace! when the whole world Sleeps in deep slumber How the ebb and flow Of day-night movements Make the city gleam … While the people dream Of


The advocacy of equality Socio-political, economic, cultural, Radical to aesthetic  And now intersectional In the enlightened 21st century Still laments for  Qahat-ur-Rijal…