An Artist’s Burden

January 25, 2023


Paint the present
With past radiant
Preserve the glory
With pen or brush
Glorious, undefiled by the
Proliferation of technology
Of post-agrarian times….
Down the lane of memory
Revisit, recapture and
Resuscitate beauty
Live present by celebrating past
An anchor to salvage
The future of next generations
Who, unfamiliar with purity
Entrenched with organic paucity,
Go hollow
As we squander
The nature they should have garnered!




Ayesha Perveen is an assistant professor at the Virtual University of Pakistan. She loves to unearth rhythm in her surroundings, which though not absent, is simply invisible to many around. Ayesha believes life is poetry; we do not write it; either we live it or bury it alive.

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