A Bizarre Premonition

April 25, 2022


About a week before the Berlin Wall came down I had a bit of a bizarre premonition. It came over me as my father and I were watching that old news analysis show on television, Agronsky And Company.

“The Wall’s coming down,” I muttered.

“What did you say?”

“The Wall’s coming down. They’re going to tear it down.”

“What do you mean?” my Dad asked me.

It was then that I came out of the zone, and we both turned into the voices of those old political junkies Hugh Sidey and James Kilpatrick, examining the latest war of words between the United States and the Soviet Union. I kept my mouth shut about my business of premonitions during the airing of that old TV show and throughout the days that followed. True to form, just as I had envisioned it the guards at that old Soviet outpost brought a sledgehammer to the Berlin Wall within a matter of my calculating and in a matter of weeks the two Germanies, East and West, were reunited. I wondered if it had been best if I had said something more of my early feelings on the matter. But what if I had? Did it really matter? Nah…

Will Mayo

Will Mayo lives in one of the most haunted towns of the United States of America with his six-toed cat Velvet and a couple of rooms of mostly unread books. He currently has two books available on Amazon. One is Hoodoo Voodoo and the other is Dreams Of Mongolia. He hopes you enjoy the read.

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