A Wishbone

April 25, 2024

When I’m gone,
The eternity I wanted with you won’t scare you anymore,
The promises we made won’t confound you anymore,
I’ll come back to you;
Not to soothe you but-
It’ll be for my eternity that I dreamt of with you;
I’ll come back as the first ray of light to you,
The way I couldn’t ever see you when my heart was pounding.
I’ll be the wishbone for you,
I’ll return to you as the wind you feel on your cheeks on days of spring ,
I’ll come back everyday,
I’ll give you shelter under my branches,
I’ll come to you as a cup of coffee,
I’ll be the sunflower you pick up on your way back to the new lover.
I’ll be the nightingale on your lonely nights,
Only to make you smile.

As the days go by I’ll rain on you;
I’ll snow on your skin
I’ll be there with you every day;
I’ll not be with you anymore.
I’ll run to you every day maybe as a stranger-
A stranger who belongs to a different world,
I’ll run to you with a hope of feeling you.

You won’t remember me,
I’ll be a station to you that you once crossed
That you once glanced at,
A park that you visited once,
An inn that made you feel like a home for one last time.

If you ever reminisce ,
Tell the stories when we first met,
When we first cried,
When I first made you smile ,
When you held me in your arms on the days of hailstorm and rain,
When your beautiful hands picked up the pieces of mine and assembled it as if creating a shrine of mine.

I’ll listen to you like a kid listens to a fable
I’ll sit beside you maybe as a nobody and smile that you can’t see;
I’ll travel every light year
Till my soul finds its eternity;
An eternity that’s bound by a mortal life
Maybe one day I’ll see you in the other world.
Even if it’s a glimpse of you opening the gate of heaven
I’ll see you,
I’ll see you finding your peace in the paradise
From a far away land where souls are damned I’ll be there waiting to see you.

That will be my eternity ,
An eternity of waiting finally finding its destination;
An eternity of dream before the abode of dead swallows me.

I’ll see you
I’ll wait for you;
Till then,
I’ll come back to you
Not to soothe you but
It’ll be for my eternity that I dreamt of with you;

Katha Sarkar

Katha Sarkar is an M.A English Literature student at Amity University Kolkata, residing in the vibrant city of Kolkata, India. From childhood,she adored reading, but she says it took atragedy to unlock her passion for writing . Now each verse she crafts is a glimpse into her soul, where words become her refuge and poetry, her voice.

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