Few Poems From My Haiku Chapbook

October 25, 2021


working mom
when will papa learn
to part my hair right


rearranging itself around me



cancelled engagement
was I wrong in asking to keep
my maiden name


arranged marriage
an aunt hands me
fairness cream


arranged marriage
an aunt hands me
fairness cream


is there a world
outside home


family picnic
an uncle shows me
his hidden snake


first day of school
I cry louder
than my daughter




You can read more of my work here I Am -Haiku Chap Book




Vandana Parashar

Vandana Parashar is a postgraduate in Microbiology, an educator and a haiku poet. Her haiku, senryu and tanka have been published in many national and international journals of repute and has won her many prizes and accolades. Her haiku was also shortlisted for the prestigious Touchstone Award 2020 She is an associate editor of haikuKATHA and one of the editors of Poetry Pea and #FemkuMag. Her debut e-chapbook, I Am, was published by Title IX Press (now Moth Orchid Press) in 2019 and her second chapbook, Alone, I Am Not, was published by Velvet Dusk Publishing in April 2022.

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