Liquid Stars

A Tanka Sequence Prayingall day & all nightto Godnever questioning whycancer invaded my life until the doctortells me what stage canceri have, my fearswill hang like dewdropson a bleeding heart pale gray cloudsacross the morning stari gatherstrength & couragefor my first chemo wishing my motherwas here to hold my handduring treatmentsfrom beyond lifei can feel her blessing after chemogetting thinner & thinnermy bodyits shadowfading on the wall hair falling outin clumps in my brushon the floorlike petalsof a dying lotus cancer is merelya detour in life . . .walking downa nameless roadi stop & pick wild violets no way offthis


I don’t remember my first English wordbut I remember all the Khmer-dubbed Thai moviesthat raised me in the living roomover the hum of sewing machines

Flame Bowerbird

I amthe bowerbird of flameentranced by the rainforest almost indecent, you see beyond skindeeper than marrowdeeper in ghost laway strings let me nestle in your